About wind power Front pageServicesPowerWind Farm DevelopmentAbout wind powerWind power has become the fastest growing form of power generation in the world. Wind power generation is completely emission-free and renewable energy. During 2022, Finland’s wind power output grew by 42% and 14% of Finland’s electricity consumption was covered by wind power. The Finnish Wind Power Association estimates that around 1,000 MW of new capacity will be in operation in 2023. Today’s high-tech wind turbines are quiet and efficient. Finnish laws, regulations and guidelines ensure that all wind farms to be developed in Finland are located in suitable areas and at a sufficient distance from people so that the impacts of the projects are not unreasonably disturbing on the natural or landscape values of the region. Wind power also produces electricity exactly when it is most needed and when electricity consumption is the highest in Finland. Wind turbines produce the most during the winter months, and these months total up to double their electricity output compared to the summer months. The share of wind power in the whole of Finland’s electricity production will multiply over the next few decades. It is estimated that in 2030 wind power will already cover more than half of all of Finland’s electricity needs. Wind power is also distributed power generation that is produced all over Finland. This increases the security of production and balances the electricity grid and economically benefits numerous municipalities in Finland. More information about wind power can be found on the website of the Finnish Wind Power Association, for example.