Design and expert services

Holistic design and expert services

Enersense provides holistic design and expert services for power transmission grids, as well as for the electrical networks of substations and wind farms.

We also provide design services for actors in different industrial sectors and for the needs of renewable energy. We provide power grid and distribution grid companies with preliminary design of investment projects. The documents produced in that work will serve as the basis for our customers to subject the actual implementation project to competitive tendering, allowing them to ensure that the tenders are produced in accordance with the principles of sustainable development.

Enersense Keski- ja pienjänniteverkot

General design of power lines

We carry out the preliminary and general design of power lines either for reconditioning existing lines or for building new power grids and transmission grids. We help our customers find the best solutions for the placement and structure of the line, already taking the servicing and maintenance requirements into account in the design phase. We liaise with the different public authorities and landowners and draw up the required permit applications, agreements and tender documents for subjecting the actual contract to competitive tendering. After the construction phase has been completed, we will support the customer during the different phases of the redemption procedure, when required.

Structural design of power lines and substations

Enersense has solid experience in the steel structures and foundations associated with power lines and substations, as well as in their design requirements. We have modern design tools at our disposal, and in our structural plans, we take into account the customer-specific requirements and ensure that technical requirements, quality and low lifecycle costs are all taken into account.

Design of electrical substation

110-400 kV substations

We have an extensive knowledge of all voltage levels commonly used in Finland (20kV to 400kV) and the design of their substations. Our service offering includes all aspects of planning. We can perform the electrical design for primary circuits, secondary circuits, technical specification of the substation, grid connections, connection of renewable energy solutions to the national grid, or even if the replacement of an individual device at a substation.

Comprehensive implementation plans (20 to 400 kV at substations) require specialized knowledge such as:

Digital substation solutions using a wide range of station and process pathways (IEC 61850)
Demanding substation renovation projects
Connecting renewable energy solutions to an existing substation and its control system
Replacement of protection and control systems
Implementations made by devices of different manufacturers

Our other design and expert services include:

  • Pre-design of substations
  • Expert services, including technical specifications of power transformers and medium voltage apparatus
  • Mapping and documentation services of substations where existing documentation is updated and managed as a whole

Testing and automation of substations

We have comprehensive long-term experience in the technical solutions associated with the automation and protection of 110–400 kV substations, as well as in different assignments related to them. Our service allows the customer to ensure that the electrical equipment and systems of the site operate as planned.

Substation automation

  • protection and control systems – equipment specifications, programming, testing, maintenance

Protection setting calculations

  • selectivity of the protection and setting calculations

Testing service

  • commissioning tests – testing of primary and secondary circuit systems, testing of substation automation and testing of the systems shared by substations
  • periodic tests – typically including protection relay tests in connection with substation maintenance programmes

Contact us!

Eero Törmä
Engineering Manager
Tuomas Kekki
Commissioning Manager
Pekka Pitkämö
Head of Sales
Renewable Energy
Joni Parkkinen
Head of Maintenance and Services
Santeri Hirvonen
Head of HVL
HVL, Finland