Installation services right on schedule

Every year, we carry out some 100,000 installation projects for our corporate and consumer customers throughout Finland.

We are a reliable installation services partner for our customers. This year, we have delivered installation services as agreed with a 99% delivery reliability rate.

Our customers find it very important that their customers are satisfied with the services provided. As our installation technicians are often the only points of contact for end customers, we play a significant role in building a successful end-customer experience. Our installation technicians are highly skilled professionals when working with end customers as well. We have received nothing but positive feedback on the best customer experiences built for our end customers.

Reliability – also in challenging operating environments

We have extensive experience of providing subscription and equipment installation services in challenging environments and demanding special conditions. Our highly skilled employees are qualified to work in locations that set specific requirements for operations. These include railway environments, masts and substations, where work also requires long-term knowledge of the environment and area.

Contact us!

Harri Huittinen
Head of Installation and Maintenance
Minna Karvonen
Service Manager
Installation Services Finland