Comprehensive design services Front pageServicesConnectivityDesignWe provide design and expert services as part of our turnkey delivery projects and as separate services. Our design activities are based on a sustainable lifecycle and quality. Every design project starts from the perspective of the overall network quality. We provide expert design services for the construction and modification of mobile and fixed networks, as well as for equipment construction. Enersense’s design and project specialists are expert in many different technologies and systems. We provide design services for applications, ranging from individual sites to nationwide projects. Design of mobile networksWe design mobile networks from 2G all the way to 5G. We provide design services for new buildings, network modifications and modernisations. Our design services for mobile networks can also include permit processes for base stations. Design of fixed networksOur design services for fixed networks primarily consist of the design of optical networks for new areas, the replacement of copper cables, or the modification or modernisation of existing optical networks. We provide design services for various applications, ranging from individual sites to nationwide design projects that involve several sites and/or large design areas. Contact us! Mika HomiHead of Mobile Services+358 44 425 Miika ErolaVice PresidentConnectivity Operations+358 40 641 Tuomas MattilaHead of Fixed Services+358 40 829