Enersense has been chosen as the main contractor for Fingrid’s Arkkukallio substation project

Enersense International Plc
Press release 17 November 2021 at 1:30 p.m.

A subsidiary of Enersense International Plc, a provider of zero-emission energy solutions, Empower PN Oy, which operates in the business area of Power, has won a contract in Fingrid’s public procurement tendering regarding the Arkkukallio substation project.

The new Arkkukallio 400/110 kV substation, which will be built on the west coast near Kristiinankaupunki, will enable new wind farms planned for the surrounding area to be connected to the grid with a connection capacity of up to 1,000 MW. The project will employ Enersense for approximately two years, and preparations for it will begin immediately. The value of the contract agreement is approximately 14 million euros.

“The Arkkukallio substation is a significant wind power connection point. The substation is part of the Coastal Line from Turku to Keminmaa. The Coastal Line is a power line that contributes to ensuring that Finland remains one electricity price area. Wind-generated electricity is transferred through the power line to areas of high electricity demand in southern Finland,” says Timo Kiiveri, Director of Asset Management at Fingrid Plc.

The Arkkukallio substation will be the second substation contract of this scale for Enersense within a year.
“The project is a great continuation of our portfolio of demanding 400 kV substation deliveries and strengthens our position to play an important role in implementing zero-emission solutions on the road to a carbon-neutral, environmentally friendly society,” says Antti Keskinen, Vice President of Power’s substation business.

The decision shall be legal after the end of the appeal period under the Act on Public Procurement and Concession Contracts.