Financial guidance

Guidance for the 2024 financial year

Enersense announced in a stock exchange release on 29 April 2024 that it withdraws its EBITDA guidance given for the year 2024 for the time being. The company’s estimate on the revenue development in 2024 will remain unchanged.

Company’s guidance for the year 2024 issued on 29 February 2024

In 2024, Enersense’s revenue is expected to be in the range of EUR 365–435 million and EBITDA in the range of EUR 15–25 million.

The revenue is expected to grow in 2024. Outlook especially for the company’s growth areas is favourable. The EBITDA is expected to grow. Profitability is expected to improve even if the investments in growth continue.

Long-term financial targets

Target in 2027Situation in 2023
Revenue of EUR 500 million, of which strategic development projects 100 MEUR, own energy production 100 MEUR and core business operations 300 MEUR.The Group’s revenue increased by 29%, y-o y, and was EUR 363 million. Core business operations were the main contributor to the revenue.
EBITDA of EUR 100 million, of which strategic development projects 35 MEUR, own energy production 35 MEUR and core business operations 30 MEUR.The Group’s adjusted EBITDA, EUR 15.1 million.
The share of revenue that belongs to the EU environmental taxonomy*): 65–70%.The share of revenue that belongs to the EU environmental taxonomy: 55%.
Own energy production in total 600–700 MW.For the time being, the company has no energy production of its own. Wind and solar power project development portfolio increased to 8,800 MW (6/2023: 8,100 MW), which gives a solid ground on which to build own production.
Dividend policy: The company’s goal is to distribute at least 30% of earnings per share as dividends.The Board of Directors proposes to the AGM of 2024 that the Board of Directors be authorized to decide on the distribution of funds to shareholders from the invested unrestricted equity reserve as a return of capital of at most EUR 0.10 per share.

*) ) The basis for the target was changed in 2023. The target is now based on revenue that belongs to the EU environmental taxonomy. Previously, the share of revenue included certain other Enersense’s operations related to the energy transition and energy efficiency. Enersense’s taxonomy report in accordance with the Taxonomy Regulation will be included in its 2024 Board of Directors’ report, which will be published during the week beginning 4 March 2024.